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Postgraduate certificates and diplomas in Māori performing arts ngā mahi a rēhia, Ngā pōkaitahi me ngā pōkairua tautara mō Ngā mahi a te rēhia


Te Rautoki a Toi Postgrad Dip in Māori Performing Arts

Level 8 qualifications

How long it takes

Study for 1 year

Check with education providers about studying part time or online.

What it costs

$6,200 total fees
Paying for study and training

What you need

Bachelor’s degree or graduate certificate or diploma

Where can I study or train?
Ka taea e au te ako, te whakangungu rānei ki hea?,

Number of providers in each region

  • Bay of Plenty has 1 provider available
Map of New Zealand regions with education provider count.

Number of providers in each region

  • Bay of Plenty has 1 provider available
Map of New Zealand regions with education provider count.

1 education provider offers Postgraduate certificates and diplomas in Māori performing arts ngā mahi a rēhia

All offer remote learning

Find a place to study or train