Master's degrees in Sport and recreation activities, Ngā tohu Paerua mō Ngā hākinakina
Master of Health, Sport and Human Performance, Master of Sport and Recreation Management
Level 9 qualifications
How long it takes
Study for 2 years
Check with education providers about studying part time or online.
What you need
Bachelor’s degree or postgraduate certificate or diploma
Where can I study or train?Ka taea e au te ako, te whakangungu rānei ki hea?,
Number of providers in each region
- Auckland has 1 provider available
- Bay of Plenty has 1 provider available
- Canterbury has 1 provider available
- Otago has 1 provider available
- Waikato has 1 provider available
Number of providers in each region
- Auckland has 1 provider available
- Bay of Plenty has 1 provider available
- Canterbury has 1 provider available
- Otago has 1 provider available
- Waikato has 1 provider available
4 education providers offer Master's degrees in Sport and recreation activities
All offer remote learning
Other study and training options in Sport and recreation activitiesĒtahi atu kōwhiringa ako me te whakangungu mō Ngā hākinakina,
Guides, Ngā aratohu
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