Improve your literacy and numeracy, Whakapikia ō kaha reo matatini me te pāngarau
Updated 23 Mar 2024
Do you struggle with reading, writing or maths? You’re not alone – many people in school and work find these things hard as well. Getting better at these literacy and numeracy skills makes it easier to learn anything you want to, and can take you closer to getting into your dream

What can literacy help you do?Ka āwhinatia koe e te reo matatini kia aha?,
Literacy skills help you to read, write and understand information. Getting better at literacy makes it easier to do things like:
- pass your driver licence
- understand health and safety rules
- share your ideas in a meeting
- read instructions for using tools
- read road and other signs.
What can numeracy help you do?Ka āwhinatia koe e te pāngarau kia aha?,
Numeracy skills help you measure and count things. Getting better at numeracy makes it easier to do things like:
- measure a piece of wood or material to cut
- work out how long it would take you to travel from one place to another
- estimate how much kai you need to feed 100
whānau at atangi - check you’re being charged the right amount of money.
Who to ask about literacy and numeracy trainingMe pātai i a wai mō te whakangungu reo matatini me te pāngarau,
If you are:
- at school – talk to your teacher or career adviser
- studying or training outside of school – talk to your tutor or a student adviser
- an apprentice – talk to your training adviser
- in work – talk to your manager.
How to improve your skills onlineMe pēhea te whakapai ake ā-tuihono i ō pūkenga,
The Pathways
It’s open to everyone – you don’t need any school qualifications. It’s fun, interesting and free. You can do it online anytime and anywhere. There are no classes to go to so you can work at your own pace.
You can visit the website and try out some of the modules for learners. Then register, choose a pathway and start learning. There are over 400 modules to choose from, including for trades like carpentry and hairdressing, and even one for the road code.
Build your reading, writing and maths skills – Pathways
Help for adult learnersHe āwhina mā te ākonga pakeke,
Organisations across Aotearoa offer reading, writing and maths tuition to adults, sometimes at no cost. Many have activities on their website to improve your literacy and numeracy.
If you’re a migrant or refugee, you can learn how to use English for work and everyday life online, in a class or in your own home. Lessons are free if you’re a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident.
To find a class, ask your local library or the Citizens Advice Bureau.
Free information and advice – Citizens Advice Bureau
Improve your reading, writing and maths – Literacy Aotearoa
Learning English for migrants and refugees – English Language Partners
Programmes to prepare you for studyNgā hōtaka e takatū ai koe mō ngā mahi ako,
Doing a foundation or bridging course can build your literacy and numeracy skills before you start tertiary study or training. These courses are offered by divisions of Te Pūkenga, wānanga, universities and private training establishments.