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Tahatū is in development. There will be some disruptions while we make updates from 6-13 March.

Distance and online learning, Mō te ako tawhiti me te ako tuihono

Updated 13 Mar 2025

Want to get qualifications without changing your whole life? Distance and online learning might be right for you. You can do full programmes, or bite-sized pieces. There are hundreds of different options for you to choose from.

A young man in a home office takes notes in an online class. He talks to several other students on his computer monitor.

What distance and online learning involves
Ngā mea ka whai wāhi ki te ako tawhiti me te ako tuihono,

Distance and online learning are ways of studying without physically going to classes. Mostly this kind of learning focuses on reading and writing rather than practical skills.

All you need is a laptop and internet access and you’re sorted to enter a world of study possibilities.

Distance and online learning usually means you:

  • manage your own studies
  • get course materials and assignments in the post or over the internet
  • use an online library to find reading material or borrow textbooks
  • read a lot and do your own research
  • complete assignments online.

Depending on the programme, you might also:

  • watch lectures online – live or when it suits you
  • join online tutorials and chat sessions with other students
  • attend workshops in person for a couple of days on a campus or marae
  • have a hands-on part known as a practicum, which will connect you with a workplace where you’ll do some of your training and assessments.

Where and what qualifications you can study
Ka taea te whai i ēhea tohu i ēhea wāhi?,

Many divisions of Te Pūkenga, wānanga, universities and private training establishments offer distance learning so you can study online. You can also learn online through organisations like LinkedIn Learning.

Distance and online learning can get you a qualification at any level, from NCEA Level 1 to a PhD at Level 10.


What you can get

  • NCEA subjects Levels 1 to 3
  • Certificates
  • Diplomas
  • Degrees
  • Postgraduate qualifications
  • Certificates
  • Diplomas
  • Degrees
  • Postgraduate qualifications
  • Certificates
  • Diplomas
  • Degrees
  • Postgraduate qualifications
  • Industry training
  • Certificates
  • Diplomas
  • Degrees
  • Postgraduate qualifications

Why choose distance and online learning
He aha te take mō te kōwhiri i te ako tawhiti me te ako tuihono?,

If your life is already busy with things like going to work or looking after your whānau, distance and online learning might mean you can fit study around everything else.

You can also learn from an education provider based anywhere in Aotearoa – not just the ones near you.

Some people choose distance and online learning because they want to get through their programmes faster than they could by going to classes. Others like it because they learn over a longer time.

So it’s super convenient – but you do have to rely on yourself to get it done. Distance and online learning will suit you better if you’re self-motivated and good at making time to fit everything in.

How to succeed
Me pēhea te eke panuku,

  • Get the right equipment. You’ll need a computer or laptop, a good internet connection and lots of data. A good desk, chair and lighting will make a big difference.
  • Connect with your teachers and other students. You can contact your teachers at any time – by phone or email. There might be online chat groups or forums for students you can join.
  • Make time to study. It can be hard to focus on learning if you’re tired from juggling work and whānau. Make a plan you can stick to – setting SMART goals can help you do this.
  • Tell your friends and whānau about what you want to achieve and why, so they can encourage you and keep you on track.
  • Look after yourself. Take breaks, eat good food, get fresh air and make sure you get enough sleep. Most importantly, be kind to yourself – what you’re doing is awesome!

Find out more, Ako atu

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