Planning for life after school, Te whakamahere i tō ao mō muri i te wehenga i te kura
Updated 06 Mar 2025
Feeling unsure about what to do when you leave school? You’re not alone. We can help!
, How to answer 'that' career questionMe pēhea te whakautu i 'tērā ake' pātai aramahi
How to answer, "What do you want to do when you leave school?"
Duration — 3:15 mins
Take one step at a timeKia āta haere ā-raupapa nei,
There’s a lot to think about when you’re getting ready to leave school, like getting through your exams and deciding what to do next.
If you already have a plan for when you leave school, that’s great. But many students don’t know what they want to do after school.
It can feel like a big decision and it’s OK to feel unsure or nervous. What is important is to try out possible career paths.
Don’t worry if you haven’t decided what to do yet – just take one step at a time.
Ask other peopleTono mōhiohio i ētahi atu,
Have a kōrero with people you know who have left school and are studying or working. Ask them questions like:
- How did you decide what to do when you left school?
- What was your first step to make it happen?
- Do you have any tips to help me decide what to do?
Interest quizKairoro Whakaritea,
Do the Interest quiz to find out how well your interests fit with this job.
Think about who you want to beWhai whakaaro ki te aramahi e hiahia ana koe,
Make a list of your personal interests and values – the things that are important to you.
This will help you work out a study or work option that fits with who you want to be. It could also give you an idea of the type of work you may want to do.
Explore your optionsTūhuratia ō kōwhiringa,
Talk with your friends, whānau or school career adviser about your options. These could include:
- studying at a Te Pūkenga division, wānanga, university or private training establishment
- doing an apprenticeship or industry training
- getting some work experience
- finding a job.
Check out the School Leavers’ ToolkitTirohia te Kete Utauta mā te Hunga Wehe i te Kura,
The School Leavers’ Toolkit has lots of information to help you plan for life after school. It can help you and your whānau decide what the best next steps are for you.
You can watch videos that show different career options and life experiences. You’ll see rangatahi like you talking about how they made decisions on what to do after leaving school.
The toolkit will help you to recognise your skills and experiences that can help with future study or work.
You’ll find lots of useful tips to set you up for your new life, including how to:
- get help with living costs
- move out of home to live in a flat or student accommodation
- take care of yourself and others
- get a job.
You’ll also find links to other government websites with advice and support.