Tahatū is in development. There will be some disruptions while we make updates from 6-13 March.

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Tahatū is in development. There will be some disruptions while we make updates from 6-13 March.

About the Interest quiz, Mō te kairoro Kaingākau

Updated 07 Mar 2025

Discover how the Interest quiz finds your top interests and uses them to suggest career ideas.

Exploring your interests
Te torotoro i ō kaingākautanga,

The Interest quiz asks 48 questions related to common interests to discover your personality type and link it to possible career ideas.

Each question starts with either “Do you like…” or “Are you interested in…” followed by the rest of the question. For example, “Do you like being active?” or “Are you interested in teaching people?” There is an image and a short explanation to make the questions easier to understand.

When all 48 questions are answered, the quiz creates an interest profile based on personality types. Each question is linked to 1 of 6 personality types and the quiz asks several questions about each type.

Your Interest quiz results show your top interest areas and what you like and are interested in based on your answers. There is also a summary of your other interest areas.

Personality type



Practical people are usually coordinated and physically active. They like working with plants, animals, tools and equipment. They may be good at making and fixing things.


Investigative people are usually curious and observant. They like experimenting and solving problems. They may be good at inventing new ways to do things.


Creative people are usually original and imaginative. They like to express themselves in an artistic way. They may be good at creating artworks and performing for people.


Social people are usually caring and supportive. They have empathy and like to inform, guide and help others. They may be good with people and like to work in teams.


Enterprising people are usually confident and motivated. They like to lead and manage people or businesses. They may be good at selling products and speaking in public.


Organised people are usually careful and responsible. They like order and attention to detail. They may be good at working with data and other information.

Linking interests to career ideas
Te hono kaingākautanga ki ngā whakaaro aramahi,

When you finish the quiz your interest results are sorted into possible career ideas within different work areas. Within each work area you can also explore more career ideas to find others you may like.

These career idea suggestions give you a range of possibilities to think about.

Click on a career idea that interests you to go to the job profile page for more information, including what you would get paid, what you would do in the job, and what study or training you might need. You can also check how your Interest quiz results fit with the interests needed for that job.

Remember to use My kete to save your Interest quiz results so you can see them again later.

Our data

Girl gazing at stars

Interest quiz
Kairoro Kaingākau,

Discover your top interests and get career ideas.

Kaupapa Māori career ideas in the Interest quiz
Ngā whakaaro aramahi kaupapa Māori kei te kairoro Kaingākau,

Kaupapa Māori career ideas have been developed to reflect all the jobs that are unique and important to Aotearoa New Zealand.

Kaupapa Māori career ideas are woven into the Interest quiz by career experts and people with a strong understanding of te ao Māori and mātauranga Māori, including people who work in these jobs.

The theory behind the Interest quiz
Te ariā tūāpapa mō te kairoro Kaingākau,

The Tahatū Interest quiz uses John Holland’s Theory of Career Choice, often known as Holland theory, to inform your results.

The Holland theory suggests there is a close connection between your personality type and the best kind of work for you.

Find out more, Ako atu

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